Safety Corner

JGM Safety Corner: Q2 2024 Announcements

AISC Safety Award of Honor

Our world-class safety efforts keep pushing through! Over the last quarter, we have received the AISC Safety Award of Honor for zero Days Away, Restricted or Transfer (DART) injuries for both fabrication and erection. We are honored to receive this top safety award and be featured in the April issue of Modern Steel for our efforts!

ABC STEP Platinum Award

We are also proud to announce we received the ABC STEP Platinum Award. This recognition is a true value of our commitment to uncompromising safety and becoming a world-class safety operation. Our team attended the awards ceremony on Thursday, May 9 at Deerfield Golf Club in Delaware and had a wonderful time.

President’s Award

Lastly, our company was presented with the President’s Award by our insurance captive safety group. This award reflects the 2022 policy year (May 2022 to May 2023) and requires a loss ratio of less than 10% to be eligible. At JGM, we are continuing to build world-class safety every day!